
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Princess Bride review – golden-age throwback glows brighter than ever

                A fter 30 years, the wit, fun, charm and idealism are fresher than ever. The Princess Bride, adapted by William Goldman from his novel and directed by Rob Reiner, now makes a brief reappearance in UK cinemas. Catch it while you can. My colleague Hadley Freeman has a magisterial chapter on it in her memoir of 1980s Hollywood, Life Moves Pretty Fast , showing how it made possible fairytale homages and Shrek and Frozen and also affected the language of irony and comedy in the television pop culture that came afterwards. It’s a movie that manages to be both a pastiche and a fervently real love story. The Princess Bride is an organically grown comedy romance from an analogue age: different from the genetically modified, digital creations that came along later. And there is a specific kind of poignancy given how two of its stars have since achieved new fame in TV dramas of cynicism and disillusionment: Robin Wright with House of Cards and Mandy Patinkin in H

Thank You for Your Service review – American Sniper writer fires blanks

                From war to war, only the proper nouns change. Boys with no idea what they’re in for, barely past schooling age, still get seduced by the promise of military camaraderie and the sense of purpose it affords. The harsh reality of combat still grinds the spirit right out of them – sometimes gradually over a span of months, sometimes in the course of five harrowing minutes – until only a hollow shell remains. And they still bring the battle home with them, forced to reintegrate into a society that doesn’t know what to do with them, and isn’t particularly concerned with figuring that out. These emotional processes haven’t evolved much since humankind first got organized about killing itself, and even more regrettably, neither has the government’s response. Jason Hall’s directorial debut Thank You For Your Service doesn’t suss out any truths not already covered by such forebears as All Quiet on the Western Front and The Best Years of Our Lives. To cite a mor

Tips on How to Use the Power of YouTube to Build Traffic

Tips on How to Use the Power of YouTube to Build Traffic If you’ve been on the internet for any length of time or even if you’re a complete newbie you should know the importance of traffic to your business. You may also know that it’s not the wisest thing to “buy” traffic, because once the money runs out, so will the traffic. So how do you get traffic that is so integral to your business? Traffic that’s continuous and best of all free? YouTube can help you with this. YouTube offers many opportunities for promotion and getting traffic to your site as it has the power to increase your rankings considerably. Just take a look at any Google page and you’ll notice that most times the videos are usually ranked at the top of the page.  Here’s why. One, YouTube is owned by Google and they work together. Two, YouTube is the second largest search engine next only to Google. That should be enough motivation to make you want go and create your own YouTube channel and upload